Friday, April 8, 2011

My Read-A-Thon List

Here's my list for the Read-A-Thon this Saturday:

If the Buddha Got Stuck by Charlotte Kasl
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season 8 Vol. 7): Twilight by Joss Whedon
Journey to Center by Thomas F. Crum
Dojo Wisdom for Writers by Jennifer Lawler
Wolf Speaker by Tamora Pierce (on the Kindle)
Emperor Mage by Tamora Pierce (on the Kindle)
The Realm of the Gods by Tamora Pierce (on the Kindle)
Square Foot Gardening by Mel  Bartholomew
Scarlet Feather by Maeve Binchey
The Spirited Walker by Carolyn Scott Kortage
Stalking the Ivory by Suzanne Arruda

That will be about all I can manage. It's a pretty ambitious list, even with a three YAs and a graphic novel. Since this is my first time to do the Read-a-Thon, is it better to have too many or too few on the list?

Now that I've signed up, I'm rather daunted by the task ahead. Not so much the reading, but the staying up 24 hrs, especially since I've been running short all week and Saturday is my official zzz's catch-up day.


  1. Too many! That way you can pick up a new selection if a book isn't working out for you! And don't worry if you have to take a nap- it happens. :)

  2. Your list looks great!
    This is my first read-a-thon and I was a bit daunted by the anticipation in the beginning, but then I realized that really the actual goal of the day is not to stay up 24hrs straight, it is just to see how much you can read in a day.
    Of course the less you sleep the more you read, but that is not a necessity.
    I have a smaller (yet, very respectable) pile of short books that area all different formats. Good luck! And I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the experience afterward.

  3. You never fail to intellectually kick my ass, Hollywolly. Good gawd!
